Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Days Dwindle to a Precious Few...

Well, I've already mentioned that "Back to School Season" is upon us.  The last glimmering rays of August sunshine are about to stoke the energy of children who have laid bored for weeks upon weeks as they come to the realization, almost too late, that in just about a month, they'll be back in the classroom every weekday.  Bikes will be ridden, screams of glee will be heard in neighborhoods across America, and dripping ice cream cones will stand as the only embellishment needed for those cut-off shorts, flip flops, and tanks.

The thought of summer coming to an end is just as depressing for me.  Not that I don't secretly crave a daily schedule and being back to feeling like I'm doing something worthwhile with my days...but I do love  summer.  Mostly, I love the warmth and sunshine, and for me, the last few days of summer are always a bittersweet reminder of the chilly winter that will be back here in Michigan all too soon, bringing with it snow and ice.  Likewise, the end of summer makes me think about all the things I should have or still need to accomplish before the school year begins, which means STRESS.

August marks the beginning of my cram period.  Suddenly there are books to order, syllabi to update, lectures to revamp, clothes to fit and alter, and all the projects of summer to complete--refinishing that table, getting race letters out to the school for the Sawdust Days Dash, getting the chips in the 'ru fixed, etc.  And it becomes all too easy to say, forget about eating healthy or getting up early to run because "Ain't Nobody Got Time for That."

But as the days dwindle to a precious few I'm reminded of my old government/economics teacher from high school--the famous, or perhaps "infamous"--Bill.  Bill was known to use the "dwindle" quote near the end of the school year, but any time one season seems to wrap up and transition to the next, I'm reminded of him.  And now he's on Facebook, so it's all too easy to be reminded of him! (Check out to see what I'm talking about non-Hemlockians!)

Despite the stress and things that need to get done, thinking of Bill makes me also think about running.  Bill was an avid runner--and was even known as "Marathon Man" by the locals for a time--until he slipped and broke his hip a few years back.  He's still out there though, walking and doing the "Agresta shuffle" around the HS track every morning chance he gets, however.  And here's the thing, when times are stressful is exactly when we need exercise and healthy habits the most.

Exercise has been easier to keep up with this last couple of weeks as the impending autumn has started to creep into my mind--luckily it has become a staple in my daily life.  Though I've cut a few of my runs short--I have managed to get out there most days, per usual, and have even done a couple of five mile runs with my friend Jacob, back in town from Virginia for a few days.  Though I would have preferred to have run a bit farther--cutting it short was worth it to visit with an old friend.  And while my mind told me "I don't have time for this," my body thanked me afterwards by feeling less stressed.  

Eating, however, has been kind of rough.  Busy means, no time to grocery
shop, which means, slim pickings to cook for dinner--or going out.  Also, I had to make sample cakes for the big Sam-Adams Affair (Read: Wedding) and ultimately consumed far more sugar and Crisco than I think I have in the last six months.  By this weekend, I was feeling it.  While eating "junk" may sound delicious from time to time, I have found that I simply can't do it like I used to.  That's a good thing--I'm more motivated to get back to healthy eating.  Which, hopefully starts today, as I scored some awesome green beans, zucchini, and peaches from the farmer's market in Midland.

So, although the days are dwindling to a precious few, don't use that as an excuse to go back on everything you've built up over the summer--working toward getting fit, eating better, and staying healthy.  Remember, despite the stress, it is a lifestyle change.  There are good days and bad in a "healthy world," but keep pushing yourself to have more good than not.  If all else fails, think about Bill--who ran, literally, everywhere for the last forty-some years of his life, and even after breaking his hip, is STILL out there.  I doubt your excuse to sleep in is better.


  1. I always like the fall season...among other things, it means I am getting paid again.


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