Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Art of Hydration...

So, it's HOT this week in Michigan--more complaints, I know.  We complain when it's too hot and we complain when it's too cold, when there's snow, etc.  Hey, we're Michiganders and our whacky weather entitles us to a certain degree of complaining about it!

July decided this week, to not only crank up the humidity but also the temperature.  We haven't quite beat the record high for Michigan (In Mio, on July 13 of 1936 it topped out at 112'!), but with the heat index we're probably feeling close to it this week.  With bright, sunny days well into the nineties slated, it's important to think about how to keep cool and have a plan for your fitness routine in this type of weather. 

Foremost, DRINK!  Not alcohol and not carbonated and caffeinated beverages if you can help it either.  I'm talking about the generic wet stuff, water.  Drink a few glasses in the morning.  Drink a few glasses before bed at night.  Drink water throughout the day, and especially after you workout to replace all that sweat.  If you're a particularly "salty" sweat-er...drink Gatorade or some similar beverage boasting of electrolytes--you'll need to replace those too...but watch your calorie intake here.  Remember, most Americans walk around dehydrated, so drinking extra water can never hurt.  Avoid too much caffeine and carbonation because both can act as diuretics, and you want to try to keep as much fluid in your system as possible during these hot, hot days!

Get your butt up and out of bed! EARLY!  Today I was up and out the door at 6:00am.  I'd go earlier, but it's dark out and I live in the country where there aren't any street lights to run by!  If you have a headlamp, consider running before sunrise.  Extreme?  Not really.  Six is not that early--go to bed a bit earlier if you must to get in your beauty sleep.  It's cooler in the mornings and the dawn sunlight is far less-bright than the noontime shiny stuff.  Some runners prefer to run in the evenings as the sun is setting--it's a bit cooler then too, but after the heat builds up all day, it still takes some time after dusk before it really does cool down.  Try both and see what works for you and your schedule.  Notably, this morning, it was already 72 degrees outside with 100% humidity when I woke up just before six--you do not want to be out there at 1:00pm!  If you have to workout in the afternoon, hit up an air-conditioned gym.  Just because you sweat more does not mean you're burning more calories or getting a "better" workout.  It means you're overheating, and this can be dangerous!

Take an extra REST DAY or two!  Most runners run because on some level, it's addicting.  The same is true for those who work out religiously. You should be taking at least one day a week to CTFO (Chill the F--k Out).  My day is generally Sunday and I try to run some distance every other day.  However, when the weather doesn't cooperate--including because it's too hot--take the day off.  Or hey, go swimming instead?  Now, you probably don't want to take the entire week off--that can really throw a monkey wrench into your regular workout routine--but lessen your workouts (or length of your run), take your time (it can't be about time on days when the humidity makes it feel like you're wrapped in a wet towel!), do a cooler workout inside in the a/c or in a pool, or skip a day here and there (Society would probably benefit if you took a day to read a book instead, maybe at your library even--you know, those buildings with all the books!  What's a book?  iPad 0.0.)

Wear APPROPRIATE attire!  That's right, leave your three piece suit at home!  But really--wear the lightest, brightest workout gear you can.  For some people, it's about looking cute out there.  I gave up looking cute, when I gave up taking a shower before my runs so my hair didn't look out of control in the morning.  The reality is that when it's this hot and humid, it won't matter what you're wearing because you'll be drenched.  Aim for heat-appropriate instead of just cute.  Tank tops, shorts (get out the short-shorts!), ankle socks, moisture wicking bondi band with badass slogan (mine says "no one ever drowned in sweat"), visor, pith helmet (hey, whatever floats your boat), etc. etc.  Now is the time!  If you want to bare all and go topless, have at it--but don't forget the sunblock either!

Slather on the SPF!  Even if you run early and there isn't a lot of sun yet or if you figure you'll just sweat it all off anyway, PUT IT ON.  Even with SPF 45 I haven't managed to avoid the dreaded "runner's tan" so that goes to show it's brighter than it seems out there and you need some sun protection.    If you're worried about the sweat smearing it into your eyes during the run--wear a headband, bandana, etc. just above your eye brows.  Additionally, make sure you put enough sunblock on.  Get out the shot glasses...no, it's not time for cocktails...you should be wearing at least an ounce of sunblock--which is a little less than a shot glass (typically 1.5 oz).  Probably seems like more than you're used to, but I can't help it if you've been in the dark about this for the last ten years.  DO IT!  

Finally, eat wisely during hot days.  It's easier to pick something up than heat
up the kitchen cooking--or even to stand outside in the heat grilling!  Choose smart options, not only for calories-sake, but also for salt content.  Salt dehydrates you, so try to avoid too many salty foods during the dog days of summer.  (You may want to skip those salted caramel-dipped bacon-wrapped chocolate pretzels, in other words.) You also may not feel hungry due to the heat and humidity.  Remember to eat.  Your body needs food for energy.  Even if you don't feel hungry but it's been several hours, you probably need a snack. 


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